
Cities Skylines Mods Traffic Manager Download

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  1. Cities Skylines Traffic President
  2. Traffic Manager President Edition Guide
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As you can see there are still some minor issues with the UI/active secctions/ESC key/Clear traffic/etc. You can see the cursor teleporting/changing to a different one, it's not a mod issue, it's because I saved some screenshots from previous setups and I'm ALT-TAB-ing a lot, because it's damn hard to get an efficient intersection with that many lights (it took me about 40 minutes to get to the one in the video). Tales of vs english patch iso. I guess that's the fun part, because you can't just memorize what's happening and do it everywhere, instead you have to redirect traffic and do different setups, depending on the amount of traffic incoming from each direction. Even the setup shown in the video is not perfect and if I disable despawning, really bad stuff happens. I guess after some point even timed traffic lights can't help you, but it makes it at least a little better.

I disabled the transport, since my bus lines are fucked up and need some rerouting, as currently there are about 50 buses that go through that intersection, the moment you 'clear traffic'. Please give me feedback on the UI, it's really hard to do it without making it frustrating as fuck, I still have some things to modify, but this layout will be the final and it's really headache inducing to do UI (set something, build, start, test, close, move 2 pixels to the right, build, start, test, close, move 1 pixel to the left, build, start, test, and so on). First off - congratulations on a fantastic MOD.

Traffic lane changes and priority sign placements are very intuitive. I could figure things out while watching the video.

Traffic light management was a little more complicated but that was only because you were doing a major intersection dumping into another major intersection. Starting with smaller intersections (from our building standpoint) will help with the learning curve. Traffic light management is a very complicated task even for civil engineers - so great job here. I think the UI is good here and it makes sense.

The complication is not in the UI design, the complication is in the many turns and iterations in traffic flow that you have to account for when planning lights - forget one - and you could have cars stuck for ages. True - micro-management - I love it. My only suggestion - after you take a breather - do a tutorial video explaining each function of the traffic manager - if people can see it and then see you apply it - it will help in the learning curve.

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Hey, I have a suggestion for the UI. When you are adjusting the timers for the lights, often I find when I move the slider the values will change by +/- 2 or 3. It would be helpful if it is possible to add up down arrows for more fine adjustment, or the possibility of just typing the number into a box, as well as sliders and/or arrows. Edit: Thought of something else too. When I was managing an intersection, I had the need to add a stage in the middle of a cycle. Currently there is only the option to add a new stage at the end of the cycle.

Cities Skylines Traffic President

Traffic Manager: President Edition. If you have subscribed to another Traffic Manager mod. Mods Categories: Cities Skylines Mods, Mechanics. Free mods from Steam Workshop to Cities: Skylines. (click button to download mod). Traffic Manager + Improved AI.

So for instance, if you start with a four stage cycle and you want to add a stage at position 3, you have to create new stage 5, copy stage position 4 to stage 5, copy stage position 3 to stage 4, then add the parameters for your new stage at position 3. While this in itself isn't bad and is perfectly functional, it just creates a bunch of extra work versus just being able to add a new stage anywhere in the cycle. Other than that, this is a fantastic mod. Downloaded it last night and spent a good three hours fiddling with a few problem intersections in my city. Needless to say, the extra traffic logic has done wonders to clear up congestion in some busy parts of my city.

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Traffic Manager President Edition Guide

Would love to give you some sort of kickback for this, as I can imagine it was a good deal of work to get this functioning properly. I just saw on the: I'm delaying the release for tomorrow, since I found some bugs with the main menu that are headache inducing but need to be fixed if you don't want to be frustrated when changing between tools. Good news is, the xml save is working perfectly. In case something fucks up badly, you just have to delete it and the save game resets to normal. Mildly disappointing, but understandable. While I definitely appreciate the commitment to quality, I'm hoping he's not so much of a perfectionist that he never releases.:).