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6.Where do you live? 7.What’s your phone number? 8.What’s her name? 9.does 10.They are from Germany. Asking and giving personal information 1.do 2.What’s 3.are 4.Does, come 5.They are from Germany 6.Is 7.their names 8.No, it’s not 9.I’m like a noodle 10.will Teks lisan dan tulis untuk memuji bersayap (extended) serta responnya Appreciation 1.Really? We did it, finally!

CONCLUSIONS: Despite the fact that some analyses were done on only a few studies due to the difficulty of finding reliable information in literature, to our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive meta-analysis to allow comparison of different antidepressants as regards their impact on body weight. Comprehensive meta analysis regression.

3.What a pity. 4.Pride 5.What a wonderful life! 6.How intelligent. How beautiful she is. 8.How quickly you did it! 9.It’s terrific 10.What an interesting plan Expressing an appreciation 1.What delicious bread.

2.What diligent students. 3.Pride 4.It is such an interesting novel!

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Get well soon. 4.The idea is good, but let us takes a look at this 5.Congratulation. You deserve to get them all. 6.You look unwell. It is better visiting a doctor soon. 7.I am so sorry to know that.

8.You made a very good job! 9.You play it very well 10.Study harder so you can make it better Expressing and Responding caring 1.Thank you by the way. I will check it soon. 2.I understand what you said, Sir. I will try to make it better-tasted later on. 3.Thank you so much. My team gives me many lessons that I can do that.

4.Thanks for your care, but I guess engineering really matches and suits on me. 5.I know you want to give him everything best for me, but I prefer to celebrate it at home. 6.Cream-colored one is nice, but isn’t the white one is more suitable for the sacred event? 7.I thank you so much, Sir. Your guidance and lesson do help me during the competition.

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Teks lisan dan tulis pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang niat melakukan sesuatu Intention to do something 1.Will 2.Go 3.I will go to shopping center 4.Next week 5.What is your plan tonight? 6.Yes I will 7.His uncle’s house 8.By bus 9.At nine o’clock 10.One day Expressing an intention to do something 1.May I know what happens on you? You act so differently today. 2.I am sorry to ask you this, but I guess that you treat me so differently. Anything you want to tell me directly?

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3.As I remember, we just have exercise 1 for mathematics homework. Do you mean to work additional exercises? 4.May I know what happens on you that you come late almost every day?

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7.Thanks for asking. I am actually ready for the test so now I want to be relaxed. 8.I am really I am sorry, I have peanut allergic.

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However, I would like to try another menu. I just have something on my mind that I can’t keep focus. Let us enjoy the movie.

10.I will have some fun there, Mom and Dad. I promise that everything will be ok. Teks lisan dan tulis untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ucapan selamat bersayap (extended) kunci jawaban buku bahasa inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013. Congratulation 1.congratulation 2.thank you 3.very proud of you 4.It's very sweet of you saying that 5.“Thank you.” 6.Arda did 7.She graduated from university 8.diligent 9.Congratulation 10.“Wow, you look great on that.” Expressing and responding a congratulation 1.The children of the recipient 2.Congratulation on your sister’s achievement 3.Because Ron’s sister has just graduated and she’s got good grade 4.University student 5.A hard worker and nice student 6.Effect 7.Boss and employee 8.Someone who is going to marry you 9.Would you kindly come to the wedding?

10.Timetable Tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dengan yang merujuk pada kesudahannya Describing events in the past 1.Mentioning the main points of the holiday first then waiting his/her feedback 2.Saying that being absent in the gathering was a big disadvantage 3.Describing from the early first step into the latest steps clearly yet efficiently 4.Please tell me the last episode. I fall asleep that I didn’t watch it. 5.I ask your apologize not to tell you because it is a closed secret.

6.In any quality time or when your mother has nothing to do 7.I am so happy of this great chance.