
Motherboard Manuals Model Number

Motherboard Manuals Model Number Rating: 6,6/10 2693 votes

Download 798 Intel Motherboard PDF manuals. User manuals, Intel Motherboard Operating guides and Service manuals. You can search by the model name or serial product number (third option below the main search area). Choose your model under “Motherboards”, then select the “Manual” tab on the page that appears. ECS (Elitegroup Computer Systems). Where to Find Motherboard Manuals, 4 / 5 (1 votes) Mail this article.

Every PC user, have met a situation to identify their Motherboard model number at least once. While updating and searching for the drivers compatible with your motherboard, while buying new hardware which is suitable for your PC, if you want to register a complaint on your motherboard and in many other occasions it is necessary to provide the model number of your motherboard. Even though the model number will be available on the box and on the motherboard itself, you can’t keep it every time or you can’t open the CPU every time to the information. In this case, How to check Motherboard Model Number is an easy way? In Windows operating system, it is easy to get the details about your motherboard with a simple command in the Command Prompt tool command line interface windows. With Windows Management Instrumentation Command WMIC Command, you can get the information about the motherboard using baseboard query.

Motherboard manuals model number finder software

Baseboard is the query to get motherboard information Base board management – motherboard or system board. You can get motherboard information like Manufacturer, Model, Name, PartNumber, slotlayout, serial number, powered on, etc., How to Check Motherboard Model Number in Command Prompt: Step 1: Open Command Prompt, Open Run Window and type cmd and Press Enter or Press Windows Key + X and then select Command Prompt.

Motherboard Manuals Model Number Software

Step 2: In the Command Prompt Window, type the below command or copy – paste and hit Enter. Wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber,Model,Name Step 3: It will display the motherboard information like below. So, the command displays the Manufacturer as ASUS, Product Name, Serial number and more information about my PC’s motherboard.

This is an easy way to get motherboard information in few minutes. Hope this tutorial will be helpful for you in case you need to get the motherboard information next time. Tech Tip: Experience the ease of comfort to remotely access your favourite Windows applications on any device(PC/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS) with remotely accessible XenDesktop with an affordable powered by one of the leading cloud hosting providers –.

Motherboard Manuals Model Number Location

This document only pertains to HP and Compaq desktop computers that came with Windows Vista.
To find the name of the motherboard that is installed in your computer, go to your computer's Customer Care support site to find the product specification and motherboard specification documents listed in the Product Information section. If you are not already on your computer's site, use the following steps to get there:
  1. Go the HP Customer Care home page: HP Customer Care page
  2. Type the model number of your computer into the field and click Next.
  3. Look in the Product Information section.
  4. In the list, find a product specification document that contains the name of the motherboard. You will also find a motherboard specification document that contains the name of the motherboard and detailed information about the system components on your motherboard.
If more than one motherboard is listed in the product specifications or more than one motherboard specification document appears in the list, then HP used more than one type of motherboard when manufacturing your PC model. To find out exactly which motherboard is installed in your computer, use the following steps:
  1. Press CTRL + ALT + S.
  2. With the Support Information window open, press CTRL + SHIFT + S.
  3. Close the window. You can use the name of the motherboard to find the correct motherboard specification document.