
Digital Tachograph Card Reader Software Free

Digital Tachograph Card Reader Software Free Rating: 8,8/10 6746 votes

A download device to capture vehicle tachograph and driver card data, a company card, a digicard for each driver plus the software to analyse the driver data for infringements (and not simply list their activities). Lost autumn - anthem for the weak download.

Tachograph Reader This is a C# project I worked on with my late Godfather, James 'Walter' Boyle. He wrote some sophisticated software to handle analogue tachographs and report on working hours, compliance to speed limits, etc, and needed to add support for the digital tachograph system that was introduced in around 2002 (EEC 3821/85). Usage is quite simple. There is a main class DataFileReader and two subclasses: VehicleUnitDataFile and DriverCardDataFile. You can create an instance of one of the sublasses using the following methods. Process( 'file.ddd ', writer); The project tachograph-reader.csproj is suitable for using with.NET Core and VScode, and contains a simple command line app.

Digital tachograph application form

Magtek Card Reader Software

Run the command without args to scan./data/vehicle and./data/driver and process all files found. Run the command with -driver or -vehicle to process individual files. You can also specify an output filename for the resulting XML. Tasks are set up in VScode for running the command. Most of the sections/features of both data file formats are catered for. It's possible to modify the data file formats using DriverCardData.config and VehicleUnitData.config.

These are two XML files defining the structure of the data with features specific to the standard (such as cyclic buffer support). The standard is not particularly well written and it took quite a bit of work to decipher it. This project encapsulates that learning in a reasonably succint form, mainly in the XML config files. Some code comments refer to pages in the specification which is available in this repository for convenience.

Dvla Digital Tachograph Cards

It's amusing that the authors of the standard went to great pains to fit the data in the space available on the cards of the time. A very cheap USB stick would now hold a lifetime's worth of driver data! The code does not validate the digital signatures in a file, so it's possible someone could provide a fraudulent data file and we would not detect it. If this is important to you, you are probably stuck with using the available commercial software to process your data files. I am distributing the code in the hope that someone finds it useful but without any warranty of any kind. If you have issues or questions I may be able to help - time permitting - so please raise an issue. Even better, create a pull request!