
Salary Slip Format In Excel With Formula

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Nov 19, 2017 - Download free payroll templates for Excel, Word, and PDF. Salary Slip Format in Excel and Word with auto calculation formula in excel for office.

What Is Corporate Salary Slip? Salary slip is a business document issued by the employer to the employee every month upon receipt of salary. It is also known as Payslip. Salary Slip is an HR/Payroll document. Payslips are an important part of the Payroll process.

Salary Slip Format In Excel With Formula Free Download

Salary slip consists of all earnings (fixed and variable) and deductions (fixed and variable) along with the mandatory tax deductions like TDS and FBT. We have created a Salary Slip Excel template with predefined formulas.

Monthly salary slip format

It automatically calculates the Gross earnings and deductions. You just need to enter a small amount of data and our salary slip is ready in a few minutes. This template can be useful for HR professionals, HR executives, Administrative staffs etc. Additionally, you can download other accounting templates like, and Excel Templates from here. Let us discuss the components of this template in detail. Components of Corporate Salary Slip Excel Template The template consists of 5 major sections. Header Section. Employee Details Section.

Salary Slip Format In Word

Salary Bifurcation Section. Summary Section. Approval and Notes Section. Header Section As usual, the Header Section consists of the company logo, document heading, and the company name. Employee Details Section Employee details section consists of following employee details: Name. Employee Number. Salary Bifurcation Section Salary detail section is further divided into 2 subsections; Earnings and Deductions.

3.1 Earnings The major components of earning section are basic salary, allowances, Employer contribution to PF/ESI and reimbursements. Basic salary is the amount which an employee is eligible without any additional allowances or any kind of deductions. HRA stands for House Rent Allowance. It is either fixed or variable. All stands for the conveyance allowance. All stands for Transport allowance. CEA stands for Child Education Allowance.

All stands for Special Allowance Category. Gross salary = Basic + Total of all Allowances. The Employer contribution consists of Provident Fund (PF), Employee State Insurance (ESI) and Exgratia (bonus). Employer contribution to the Provident fund is the total 12% of the basic salary. Employer Contribution to ESI is 4.75% of the basic salary.

A formula has been setup which calculates the amount by itself. ESI is applicable if the salary of the employee is less than 15000.

Salary slips download

Thus, if the basic salary is above that amount template will automatically display 0. Exgratia or bonus is the sum of money paid with no obligation or liability to pay it back. Reimbursements items depend on the designation of the employee.

CTC/PM is the total salary of an employee without deductions. One thing is to be kept in mind it also includes the employee contribution, which is not payable every month but is a part of the salary. CTC/PM (per month) = Gross salary + Employer Contribution + Reimbursements. CTC/PA (per annum) = CTC PM X 12 months. 3.2 Deductions Generally, the deductions consist of employee contribution to PF and Employee contribution to ESI. The Employee contribution to Provident fund is total 12% of the basic salary. Employee Contribution to ESI is 1.75% of the basic salary.

A formula has been set up which calculates the amount by itself. Summary Section The summary section consists of the final calculation of the net receivable salary amount. Net salary transferred Amount = Gross Salary + Reimbursed Allowances – Deductions – TDS – FBT – Loan EMI. Approval and Notes Section The last section consists of Approval and Notes section. Approval section includes the signatures areas for those who prepared it, checked it and authorized/approved it. The Notes include the instruction of the company if any for the employee. We thank our readers for liking, sharing and following us on different social media platforms.

Simple salary slip format in excel with formula free download

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