
How To Install Sapcar.exe On Linux

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  2. How To Install Sapcar.exe On Linux
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Linux Executable To Windows Exe

How to Install Software in Red Hat Linux. Red Hat is the basis of PC, Linux OS, Mandriva and Fedora. If your distro doesn't include all the software you want, you can install additional software from the internet (whether you have. Trying to install NW on SUSE and struggling with SAPCAR. Apologies as I'm an ABAPer with absolutely no Linux skills. Downloaded SAPCAR (SAPCAR_84.EXE) and tried to execute to unpack SWPM (SWPM10SP20_3-20009701.SAR). Easier way to extract.SAR and.CAR files with SAPCAR under Windows April 12, 2012. This gives you an opportunity to see the messages output by sapcar.exe.

How To Install Sapcar.exe On Linux

Error: -bash: SAPCAR: command not found Symptom: When you try to extract a.SAR file using SAPCAR you get this error. Reason: You are not running SAPCAR from user Solution: Exit from current user Login to Go the path where your SAR file is located SAPCAR -xvf Alternative Solution: If you want to run SAPCAR from any other user like root or ora you should specify the path ex., /usr/sap/SYS/exe/SAPCAR -xvf tags: sapcar, bash, csh, root user, sidadm, -bash: SAPCAR: command not found.